24 October 2008

Lost time...

It's so strange after being anesthesised. (sp?) Part of it is the Versed, but I really have no memory of of things from noon yesterday until I work up just before midnight. Everything seemed to go well. Now we just wait for results of the bone marrow biopsy.


  1. Big hugs, Becky!

    Lea x

  2. Becky, when I was working oncology, they only used local for BM biopsies..OUCH. Versed is a much better idea! Hope the docs can come up with a new plan of action for you. Sending you hugs and prayers!


  3. Becky~

    I love versed, you don't remember a thing. I give it daily in my unit and it works wonderfully.

    Continued hugs and prayers,


Please share your thoughts and ideas. I love the hear from everyone. Namasté