While I was at lab on Tuesday, Mike went home to get DD#2 to spend a few days with us. She was on Fall Break this past week. It was such a joy to see her. Every day she was here was a treasure. We didn't really do a lot. She slept late every day and we visisted a lot. One afternoon she and Mike went for a walk for her to explore Vanderbilt, but that was the most exciting thing that happened. Wednesday I felt rather sick most of the day, but luckily by noon Thursday that was gone.
On Friday morning Mike dropped me off at Clinic and then he left to take DD back home. My counts were all way better. Hematocrit up to 30. Neutrophils 1.14. Platelets 144. I did have to get a magnesium infusion, but life is good.
I am rapidly approaching Day 100. All my counts need to be stable. When they scheduled the bone marrow biopsy for the 14th, they cancelled the one that was supposed to be my 100 Day one on the 21st. Now the 14th will be the day I get my last biopsy for a while. (Provided no other problems come up.) I'm thinking positively for all my counts to look good on Tuesday and a good biopsy on Wednesday. Day 100 is actually 26 October and I would really like to be released by then. Any and all positive thinking, prayers, and visualisation would be appreciated. I thank you all.
And now I have to sign off because LSU and Florida are playing.


Sending you healing thoughts and prayers Becky and may you get to go home on the 24th!!
I'm thinking positively along with you Becky...I'm thinking about the soup pots lined up on the grill at some point. Even if it isn't Day 100, it will happen in the future. (((Hugs))) Regina
Much love and many healing prayers being aid for you my darlin'! I know I don't comments often, but I think of you all the time. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the flesh at some point!
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