Today Mike and I got to the blood centre a little early for my noontime appointment. Normally I am in a little private room with a bed, but today someone else was already using it. I sat in one of the reclining lounge chairs in the main room. (These have draperies that can be drawn for privacy.) For some reason I had a little fever, so they gave me Tylenol and kept taking my temp several times. It never got over 100.3°, so I didn't have to start an antibiotic. And of course, I also had Benadryl. The nurses are always so nice about giving me time to start a meditation before they put in the IV. I've found that the TMI DEC excercise works the best for me right now. It's pretty amazing. I had no trouble with the IV insertion and no reaction to the red cells today.
My Mom was at the cancer centre, too, having tests, so my sister came up to visit me for a few. (She's leaving in the morning to go to Baton Rouge for the LSU/Alabama game. We're believing Alabama is ripe for a defeat. ) DD#2 has to bring a Main Dish for French Food Night at school Monday. My sister was going to the grocery store for Mom, so she got the ingredients for Cassoulet for us, too. She got back just as I was leaving. The timing worked out really well. And I really appreciated her doing the shopping for me.
Mike brought me home and I barely managed to stay awake long enough to put away the groceries. Then I curled up on the sofa and promptly went to sleep. I know I need the Benadryl, but I wish it didn't make me so sleepy the rest of the day. My temp is still staying a bit over 99°. Keeping my fingers crossed that it gets back to normal before bedtime.
Blue Cheese Vinaigrette
21 hours ago
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